The Origin Story
Welcome to the Origin Story Podcast. Where Logan Manzanares & Sam Singh connect with today’s top entrepreneurs & investors to discover their Origin Stories. As Sam always says, the young entrepreneurs can’t relate to millions of dollars in the bank, fancy cars, nice watched & big houses. But they do resonate with up & coming struggles, obstacles & setbacks. Thats what the Origin Story is all about...

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Prepare to be inspired by the incredible journey of a rising NFL star turned successful real estate mogul. In our latest podcast episode, we had the privilege of interviewing a player who embodies resilience, grit, and high performance. He candidly shared his fascinating story of overcoming adversity and using the skills and character traits developed on the field to excel in a new career.But what sets this individual apart is their generosity in sharing their knowledge and experience with others. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the game, both on and off the field.

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Ryan Zolin may be young and baby-faced, but he is no novice when it comes to the cutthroat world of real estate.
At 24 years old, this entrepreneur has already amassed over $100 million in experience.
But Zolin didn't follow the traditional path to success.
Instead of college, he enrolled in real estate school.
Determined to make a name for himself in an industry that can be difficult to crack.
And crack it he did.
Zolin got his start working on a traditional real estate team.
Gaining valuable experience and insight into the inner workings of the industry.
But Zolin's journey hasn't been all smooth sailing.
By overcoming setbacks he has shown resilience in the face of adversity.
Success requires more than one skill set, and he's worked hard to diversify his talents.
Ryan shares that ego has no place in the business world.
He shares examples of how traditional teams fall apart due to conflicts.
But he's not discouraged by these challenges.
Instead, he's using them as fuel for his journey of self-discovery and success.
Ryan may be young, but he is a force to reckon with in the world of real estate.

Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
What's the secret to business success?
I asked Anthony Vicino this question.
His answer was simple... It's all about believing in yourself, working hard, and having a growth mindset.
Anthony shares his challenges with ADHD.
And how he turned his struggles with focus into a multi-million dollar business.
Anthony started a million dollar window washing company.
He has written novels.
And has now acquired 70 million dollars in real estate.
Anthony has proven that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.
Anthony's tale from professional rock climber to real estate mogul is aspiring.
Don't miss this inspiring tale of perseverance and success!

Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
After arriving in Canada as immigrants, Esteban Andrade's parents face the challenge of starting over in low-paying jobs.
Esteban Andrade is a digital marketing expert and entrepreneur. He is also a real estate investor and has a background in physics and mathematics.
This episode is about Esteban's origin story and how it led him to becoming an entrepreneur. Esteban's parents moved to Canada when he was 14 years old in order to provide him with better opportunities. When they arrived, they had to take low-paying jobs because their degrees from Colombia were not recognized. Esteban started to become an entrepreneur after high school and realized that he could achieve more than his parents had. He had the hope of becoming successful and this led him to start his own business.
"I believe that if you have the capabilities of thinking big and that there is this big hope because you're in this current state and you want to achieve this, but this is like something that it's so big, it's so large that you need to go through. You don't know what what you need to go through, but no matter what you want to achieve, that that hope and that desire to be successful is what started my entire entrepreneurship."
In this episode, you will learn the following:
Esteban Andrade's journey as an immigrant to Canada and how it has shaped his entrepreneurial mindset
The importance of thinking big and having hope as an entrepreneur
The barriers that immigrants face when trying to establish themselves in a new country
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Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
In this episode of The Origin Story, Tiffany and Josh High share how they went from struggling to make their first sale to flipping over 300 houses a year.
Tiffany High is a real estate investor and entrepreneur who specializes in wholesaling and flipping houses. She and her husband Josh have been in the business for six years and have completed over 300 deals. Tiffany is also a coach and mentor, helping others to achieve success in the real estate industry.
In this episode, Tiffany High and Josh High discuss the importance of scaling a business. They learned about the importance of scaling a business from a mentor who told them that they needed to put people and processes into place to get to the next level. They share their story of how they got into the business and how they learned about sales and marketing. They also discuss how they overcame adversity to get to where they are today.
"I'll never be a good mom if I'm traveling six nights a week." -Tiffany High
In this episode, you will learn the following:
How Tiffany and Josh High went from corporate careers to real estate investing, and how their previous roles played into sales and business growth
How the couple dealt with a contractor screwing them over, and the biggest lessons they learned from the experience
How wholesaling allowed them to scale their business quickly, and how they've continued to grow their business in the years since
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Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Mentorship can be a key to success in any field, but how do you find the right mentor for you?
"I just quit my timeshare job. I was the top salesman for the last two years, I was like, I'm just going to go all in real estate because the guys on stage had such conviction of how they made money."
This is Alex Quezada's story...
I was in school at UCF, working on a finance degree and selling timeshares on the weekends when I heard an ad on the radio for a real estate seminar.
I went to the seminar and then bought a three-day boot camp from the same guy.
I started working for a mentor soon after, and then eventually struck out on my own with my brother.
We increased our marketing spend and saw a huge uptick in our business.
We've continued to grow our business and reinvest in ourselves and our marketing.
Now we have a successful wholesale business and are focused on buying self storage facilities.
. How Alex Quezada went from studying finance in college to becoming a successful real estate investor, raising over $20 million for his investments.
What it was like for Quezada to work in the face-to-face sales industry and how that has helped him in his real estate business.
How Quezada has scaled his real estate business to do multiple seven-figure wholesale deals per month.
Alex Quezada is a real estate investor and entrepreneur who has done over 1200 wholesale deals and owns over 1,300 cash-flowing doors. He has raised over $20 million to fund his investments and owns over $30 million in real estate.
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Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
For those first-generation immigrants, people of immigrant families, and those interested in stories of success and struggle, this episode offers the path to establishing a legacy of honor and freedom.
"Turn your anger into a superpower - take the negative and turn it into a positive by creating your own rules in life and turning your predispositions into a weapon." - Ben Humble
Ben Humble is an immigrant from Romania and the oldest of nine kids. He has used his experiences growing up as a refugee to develop a keen sense of focus and execution, turning his anger into a superpower.
This is Ben Humble's story...
Ben Humble grew up as the oldest of nine kids in Romania.His parents were refugees, and his father made the difficult decision to leave two of their children behind in order to escape communism. Ben learned at a young age the importance and power of responsibility, as he was often responsible for taking care of his younger siblings after school. As he grew older, Ben had a rebellious spirit and dropped out of school. He channeled his anger into focus and productivity and was able to create a life of financial and time independence. He believes that adversity is a superpower, and encourages others to take the negative and turn it into a positive, such as turning anger into focus. Ben is proud to be the firstborn son of his parents, and feels honored to take their legacy to the next level and fight
In this episode, you will learn the following:
Turning Adversity into a Superpower: How to use negative emotions to achieve focus and drive
Responsibility of Being the Eldest: What lessons can be learned from being the oldest of nine kids?
Honoring a Legacy: How to use the sacrifices of immigrants to create a better future for generations to come
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Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Unlock a world of opportunity with Isabella and her inspiring Origin Story of Residential Assisted Living.
Isabelle Guarantee Singh is a real estate investor and the first employee of her late father's residential assisted living business. She has been in the game for 8 years and has expertise in helping seniors with activities of daily living.
"God gave us all different skills, and as long as we know what they are and can use them, that's what's important." - Isabelle
Isabelle Guarantee Singh is a real estate investor and the first employee of her late father's residential assisted living business. She has been in the game for 8 years and has expertise in helping seniors with activities of daily living.
This is Isabelle's story...
Isabelle Guarantee Singh is a real estate investor who learned everything she knows from her dad.
When her grandmother fell and needed 24/7 care, her dad purchased his first business in the assisted living industry.
Since then, Isabelle has been working alongside him, learning about the industry and the different ways to get into it, like renovating a single family home to make it suitable for assisted living, buying existing homes, or building from the ground up.
She explained the importance of demographics, as daughter "Judy", the adult child paying for the home, usually looks for a property that is close to where she lives. Isabelle also mentioned the licensure of the administrator and the 24/7 caregivers who provide care for the residents, as well as the importance of having a large footprint for these typesHere's what we cover with Isabelle in this episode:
How does assisted living differ from other forms of care for seniors?
What do real estate investors need to consider when investing in assisted living facilities?
How does the daughter "Judy" demographic play a role in assisted living investments?
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Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
In this podcast episode, Austin Rutherford tells his origin story of going from aspiring ball player to successful real estate entrepreneur, highlighting the importance of visualization and setting goals.
In this episode, you will learn:
How did Austin Rutherford go from a baller to becoming a successful real estate entrepreneur?
What was the light bulb moment that led Austin to begin investing in real estate?
What sets athletes apart from other people, in Austin's opinion?
"Money solves problems. Money provides a lot of things. A lot of things in this world. Can't I go to argue? Almost anything, any problem can be solved with money. So if you have money, you don't have problems anymore."
Austin Rutherford is a real estate entrepreneur, investor, and coach who has been in the business since he was 20 years old. He is the founder of Rutherford Investments and has completed over 300 deals.
This is Austin Rutherford's story...
Austin Rutherford is a real estate entrepreneur who has been in the business since he was 20 years old. He started out by flipping his first house and then went on to mentor and coach others in the industry. He is currently sitting down with Sam for an interview on The Origin Story. Austin shares his story of always wanting to be rich and how he finally found his breakthrough by reading the book, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. He talks about how this opened his mind to the possibilities of success outside of being an athlete or a rapper and how he then went on to buy his first rental property. Today, Austin has done 300 plus deals and continues to grow his business.
In this episode, you will learn the following:
How did Austin Rutherford go from hating basketball to becoming a successful real estate entrepreneur?
What was the light bulb moment that led Austin to begin investing in real estate?
What sets athletes apart from other people, in Austin's opinion?
Chapter Summaries:
[00:00:02] - Today on the origin story, Sam will introduce his guest, Austin Rutherford. Austin is a real estate entrepreneur and investor. He has been in the game since he was 20 years old and is a coach and a mentor. Sam likes to bring on guests who are actually doing it right.
[00:01:08] - Austin has been involved in real estate entrepreneurship for almost a year. He came to Austin early on. Austin and Tim Bronze got 75 million doors from Tim Bronze. Austin will talk about this later on. He will also talk about how he came to meet Austin.
[00:02:21] - Austin. Grew up in Columbus, Ohio. Moved to Arizona to play a year of basketball out there at a prep school to pursue the NBA dream. In Phoenix, he picked up a ballet job. He was sitting on his rooftop journaling. He read a book called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. He bought his first rental property when he was 20 years old. Bought his second house at 21. Flipped that six months later. Made $107000 net profit four days after his 22nd birthday. Reinvested every penny into the business.
[00:05:34] - As a kid. He always wanted to be rich. His parents always provided for him. But they never had the massive houses, the Ferraris, Lambos or anything like that. He loves competition and he loves to win. He picked up a book in Phoenix, Arizona, while he was playing basketball and it changed his life.
[00:07:21] - Sam used to own a gym and did a podcast series with his trainers every week. Sam is not a big reader, but he read a lot in school and he loves knowledge and wisdom. Sam lets his trainers read the books and then he comes in and absorbs the wisdom.
[00:08:12] - Austin has been an entrepreneur his entire life. His parents raised him to be competitive and he wanted to be an entrepreneur. His childhood dream was to become an NBA player. He used to work out all day, every day. Three times a day, he would ride his bike to the YMCA at 5:00 am. His dad supported him.
[00:11:24] - Athletes are hyper visualizers and they put the process first, which sets them apart from other people in the Same way that they are hyper-focused during training. They focus on their training more than on the actual game day. It's one of the most powerful things out there.
[00:14:07] - Logan is an entrepreneur. He believes that people should focus on what they want in life and not on their business. He is young in the industry and he is doing well. Logan believes that if he wants to become a billionaire one day, he needs to change his lifestyle.
[00:18:11] - At 22 years old, he started a business that made him $107000 profit. He was still in college, taking 15 credit hours. 90 days later, he flipped his second house and made $150000 in a four month period. He quit his ballet job and went all in on real estate.
[00:19:46] - At the beginning, Ethan was wholesaling marketing and flipping houses. Now he's trying to build legacy wealth. He wants to buy as many rentals as possible in Columbus, Ohio, and put it out to the Universe Countrywide. Logan Scolded ethan, when he wanted to sell a critical property,
[00:23:21] - Logan moved to Florida about a year and a half ago. He is still buying deals in Columbus. Sam lives in California. Sam advises Logan to move to any of the 49 states. Logan will see Sam in Arizona. Soon. “i. Know, to listen to people who are wealthy and make a lot of money and just don't question it”.
[00:24:09] - Some of his friends are in California because they have a lot of money and they want to grow their business. He has friends who are in La Jolla near San Diego, and they have nothing. He is in the season where quality of life is the number and he needs to get out.
[00:25:44] - How has social media impacted your growth, your trajectory, your business? I would love to hear your take on that, because you have a massive following. Social media changes everything. It's important for anybody who wants to grow. I've done a lot of different avenues in real estate, and many of them came from social media.
[00:26:58] - Tik Tok started his business on social media. His first Facebook Live was a failure. His business is doing okay, but he feels he could do better if he used social media more often. Tik Tok got a Tik Tok, but it was too late for him.
[00:31:59] - Logan and Logan are building their brand on social media. Logan doesn't read comments because he gets high emotions and low emotions. So he tries to stay away from it. It took Logan 16 months to do his first real estate deal. He believes social media is not about him. It's about reaching more people.
[00:37:14] - Austin feels like he's broke every day in his business. He doesn't know his net worth, but he knows he's worth millions. He has a fiancee and he wants to live in the house he bought for a year. He misses out on opportunities a month or two at a time because he's busy.
[00:41:42] - Logan is in a growth mode right now. He has faith, family, finances and fitness. He's getting married in six months and he's taking dancing lessons for the wedding. He travels a lot for his business and for his family. He was in the fitness industry for ten years.
[00:46:57] - There's going to be a lot of rapid change coming your way probably over the next couple of years. You are getting married in April. The number has always been 100 million. You can't get there in single family real estate or multifamily real estate, but it's syndications, partnerships and management.
[00:48:18] - In today's world real estate credit is going to continue to grow. Building a brand, building social media, and building podcast with a podcast studio is important. Cryptocurrency is bad right now, but it will be a completely different topic in 5-10 years.
[00:49:00] - Sam has less than $2000 in crypto. He misses it a little, but he's singularly focused on real estate and social media at the moment. He's not an investor in crypto at all, but not in any way, shape or form meaningful.
[00:49:25] - Austin believes that in the future, cryptocurrencies will be more valuable than they are today. Austin's older brother retired on crypto investments. Austin believes smart contracts will eliminate so much logistical human error and solve real world problems in the near future. Austin hasn't invested in cryptocurrencies in a big way.
[00:51:31] - Ed is investing in Bitcoin, Etherium, cardano and other cryptocurrencies. He believes that making money is not difficult, it's just different for most people. Ed believes in diversification and social media as a way to build a brand. Ed is interested in being the power of being the one person in his family.
[00:55:40] - Sam is interested in investing in multiple types of businesses outside of real estate. He's in real estate, in social media, in crypto and in private equity. He doesn't have a drop shipping business yet, but he's looking for the opportunities. Sam's father is a multibillionaire.
[00:58:04] - According to his mentor, you have to write a book. He wrote his first book called From Valet a Millionaire three years ago. He did a book tour less than a year ago. His new book is called Get Free Houses. It's a guide to creating wealth without using your own money.
[01:00:02] - Mentorship is about learning and compressing time. Clothots is a business owner who spends a lot of money on masterminds and education and mentorships. Mark Evans DM has been his mentor for 4 or 5 years. He's part of Kent's Mastermind and he's also part of other Mastermind's.
[01:04:56] - Logan Manzanares is doing a bit of coaching. He has two programs called Elevate coaching and Elevate family. He is about to be married. Laurie invites Austin Rutherford to connect with him on Instagram TikTok. Austin Rutherford and YouTube.
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Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
It's safe to say Donnie Goodman is a rising star. At just 22 years of age, he has a thriving real estate wholesaling business, has done almost $1 MILLION in assignments, dabbles in film production, and is even getting on big stages to be a motivational speaker.
Donnie is the young man your mom always compares you to when you aren't doing enough with your life.
Let's find out how the heck this FL-based investor became such a success!